All content created by CareLuLu to describe your business and your services cannot be used by you outside of the CareLuLu website. This includes but is not limited to photographs, reviews, graphics, or any other intellectual property developed by CareLuLu or by third parties for the CareLuLu website. You may not use these contents anywhere online (your website or other third-party websites) or offline (your printed materials or third party printed materials).
All images featuring the CareLuLu logo and photos taken by CareLuLu photographers appearing in the profiles of the CareLuLu website are the exclusive property of CareLuLu and are protected under the United States and International Copyright laws. The images may not be reproduced, copied, transmitted, or manipulated without the written permission of CareLuLu. All images are copyrighted ©2012-2023 CareLuLu.
If you would like to use our professional photos on your school website or in your printed materials, please contact us. Photographs taken by CareLuLu for a Premium profile may not be used at a later date on a free profile (unless you have contacted CareLuLu and have received written permission of CareLuLu).